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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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SPRIK - General practitioner/paediatrician-based surveillance to estimate the disease burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children <5 years of age in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


SPRIK - General practitioner/paediatrician-based surveillance to estimate the disease burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children <5 years of age in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

Estimate the incidence of RVGE leading to a consultation of a general practitioner or pediatrician in a monitored population of children under the age of 5 years.

Inclusion criteria

• Any child under the age of 5 years from the monitored population who spontaneously consults an investigating center for a acute gastroenteritis

LAPS - Female patients with breast cancer treated with lapatinib in the context of an expanded access program (ATU): description of the care trajectory and clinical course

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


LAPS - Female patients with breast cancer treated with lapatinib in the context of an expanded access program (ATU): description of the care trajectory and clinical course

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

Describe the care pathways of patients with breast cancer who have received and/or are receiving treatment with lapatinib under Temporary Use Authorization (TUA)

Inclusion criteria

Patient who has received lapatinib for the treatment of breast cancer within the framework of a TUA between January 1, 2007 and 3 months prior to the beginning of the study

CEPHEUS - Assessment of lipid-lowering treatment in France

Head : Ferrières Jean, Département d'épidémiologie INSERM UMR1027

Version 3


Last update : 09/05/2017


CEPHEUS - Assessment of lipid-lowering treatment in France

Head : Ferrières Jean, Département d'épidémiologie INSERM UMR1027

Main objective

Determine the proportion of patients on lipid-lowering drugs who reach the LDL-C goals recommended in guidelines.

Inclusion criteria

man or woman - adult - treated with lipid-lowering drugs for at least three months, with no dose adjustment for a minimum of six weeks

ABSINTHE - Observational study of the therapeutic strategy in the management of acute sinusitis in primary care

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


ABSINTHE - Observational study of the therapeutic strategy in the management of acute sinusitis in primary care

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The study objectives were to describe the management of acute sinusitis in real-life conditions of prescription and to evaluate the effectiveness of the initial therapeutic strategy.

Inclusion criteria

Patient consulting for acute sinusitis diagnosed according to criteria of the practitioner; Patient without a previous episode of acute sinusitis during the two months preceding diagnosis; Patient aged 18 years and over; Patient agreeing to participate in the study; Patient not included in a clinical trial (Huriet-Sérusclat); Patient who may be followed for two months; Patient showing no severe active disease (life-threatening in the next three months).

IDALGIA - Study of predictive factors of the induced pain linked to gestures in rheumatology

Head : Payen-Champenois Catherine, Brisol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Brisol-Myers Squibb

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


IDALGIA - Study of predictive factors of the induced pain linked to gestures in rheumatology

Head : Payen-Champenois Catherine, Brisol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Brisol-Myers Squibb

Main objective

Evaluate the frequency of the various types of gestures and the intensity of the associated pain
Evaluate the various therapeutic preventive and curative approaches for pain linked to gestures in rheumatology

Inclusion criteria

For the gesture observatory: adult patient consulting in rheumatology for which the rheumatologist deems that it is necessary to immediately perform a diagnostic or therapeutic gesture

For the Study portion: patient eligible in the Observatory for which the rheumatologist has scheduled or has deemed immediately necessary, during this consultation, a one-off gesture (puncture and/or unilateral infiltration or an infiltration of the lumber spine).

ESCALE - Case-Control Study on Childhood Cancers

Head : CLAVEL Jacqueline, UMR-S 1153 Equipe 7 / Épidémiologie des cancers de l'Enfant

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


ESCALE - Case-Control Study on Childhood Cancers

Head : CLAVEL Jacqueline, UMR-S 1153 Equipe 7 / Épidémiologie des cancers de l'Enfant

Main objective

To investigate the influence of the following on childhood cancer risk: pregnancy outcome, child's characteristics at birth, child's environment in utero or during childhood, parents' profession and lifestyle, successive domicile communities, family history of cancer, birth defects, or autoimmune diseases. To identify genetic predispositions capable of modulating the function of these factors, including polymorphisms in genes involved in the transport and metabolism of xenobiotics, DNA repair, immune response, or in embryonic development and cell differentiation. To investigate the interactions between these polymorphisms and environmental factors.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women - under 15 years old

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